Wednesday, August 12, 2009

chiron in the the 7th house

Chiron in the Seventh House

+This one might spend all of their time taking care of a partner who has some debility. It is also someone who gives great advise on marriage, while their own marriage is on the rocks (or they might not even be married). This can work for business partnerships as well. You can take great care of a partner and teach them how to do the business better than you ever could. Watch out that they don't dump you as soon as they learn all that they can from you.

!Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds we receive early on in our lives. The sign Chiron is in will dominate but the house placing will show in which area the personality is motivated and into which they will put their efforts. In the seventh house, it may indicate a feeling of rejection to do with relationships, maybe the parents split-up or were distant with each other. You may marry early and there may be more than one marriage or close relationship. You are quite empathic and even psychic. There is a need for finding a balance between you and your partner - you are not one person. Find your 'self'.

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chiron in the 10th house natally

Chiron in the Tenth House

+Career and public prestige are the battlegrounds with this placement of Chiron. Yes, this is a great placement for running an organization in the medical or healing field, but frequently, no matter what the career, someone with a 10th house Chiron will feel that they are taking care of everybody and everything else except themselves. As usual, there will frequently be an uncanny ability to help everyone else succeed better than they could ever have done themselves. It could also work out the other way. There may be a total rejection of any sort of ambition or responsibility, most likely due to fear of failure. Perhaps the parents pushed you too hard to succeed and really got on your case when you slipped up (or even when you didn't). The other side of the coin is that some parents don't want their children to succeed and always put them down. You can get either reaction to an upbringing of that nature: a compulsive need to achieve or a rejection of any success or responsibility.

!Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds we receive early on in our lives. The sign Chiron is in will dominate but the house placing will show in which area the personality is motivated and into which they will put their efforts. In the tenth house, it may indicate a strong desire to prove your self-worth because of childhood rejection. Your need for status may become obsessive, and your good leadership quality needs to be controlled. Improving the lot of others, close to you, is admirable but not if it brings you down. It will only make you feel resentful and bitter. Try to accept yourself as you are.

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chiron in aries in the 8th house composite

8th House: Here is a difficult placement for Chiron with a double Martian influence (Aries on Scorpio) and it creates a real power-vacuum in the native; an inability to sexually transform may be evident, and impotence, frigidity, lack of meaning in intimate relationships are all possible as well. Alternately, sexual infidelity may be a theme in close relationships and this may itself create financial dependencies as a result through divorce settlements, alimony and attendant loss of homes and status. Consider the example of Hugh Hefner, founder and editor of Playboy magazine: (this from Wikipedia). “Before [Hefner's and first wife Mildred Williams'] wedding, Mildred told Hefner that she had had an affair; he has called the admission “the most devastating moment of [his] life.” A 2006 profile of Hefner revealed she allowed him to have sex with other women, out of guilt for her infidelity and the hopes that it would preserve their failing marriage. Mildred and Hugh divorced after ten years of marriage in 1959. After his first marriage, Hefner’s self-promoted public persona became that of womaniser and party animal. He has said that during some years, he was “‘involved’ with maybe eleven out of twelve months worth of Playmates.” Hefner has had sustained relationships with Donna Michelle, Marilyn Cole, Lillian Muller, Patti McGuire, Shannon Tweed, and Brande Roderick, all of whom were chosen “Playmate of the Year.” Others include Barbi Benton, Karen Christy, ex-Sunday school teacher Sondra Theodore, and actress Carrie Leigh, who filed a $35 million alimony suit against him. Benton, who dated him for 8 years, remains a fixture in Hefner’s life and a regular visitor to the Playboy Mansion, which she found for him. In 1971, Hefner has acknowledged, he experimented in bisexuality.” The tragedy here is that Hefner lives in a way that many unevolved men would posit as the dream-life and yet the level of difficulty and pain surrounding sexual issues for Hefner are quite clearly overwhelming, provoked no-doubt by that initial admission of infidelity by his first wife and it was this factor which created his sense of sexual worthlessness which he has compulsively attempted to redress with a series of grotesque and emotionally empty liaisons ever since. The Scorpio influence of Chiron in the 8th may also manifest in alcohol or drug issues (Betty Ford). Many celibates and abstainers have this placement of Chiron.

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chiron in aries (and pisces)

Wherever Chiron is found there is hypersensitivity and pain until there has been what I would call a Chirotic awakening, the compassionate self-awareness is then activated and it becomes possible to give up your pain, even to take it on board gladly because it is a reminder of the connectedness of you and I, that we share a bond of human vulnerability. We learn then, wherever Chiron is found, to give up our self, and nowhere is this more true than in the sign of Aries. To some extent, I find that many, many partnerships are formed between those whose Chrion’s straddle the Aries Point, with one in Pisces and the other in Aries, because they are so very complementary. Chiron in Pisces is the pain of selflessness, whilst Chiron in Aries is the pain of selfishness, they are, despite being semi-sextile, strangely compatible, almost polarised positions. Chiron in Aries is concerned with hypersensitivity to the idea of self; it can manifest then as an inability to assert one’s own needs, or to be overreactive to criticism, perceived or outright.

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chiron in aries in the 7th house

Here our sense that our needs are rendered insignificant by our marriage or life-partner, or even a business partner come to the fore. We may also feel that we suffer inordinately at the hands of those with whom we are competing for position, or those with whom we are openly opposed in some way. I understand this position very well as I have Chiron within a few minutes of the descendant, thus I cannot say too comfortably into which of the 6th or 7th house he falls, but I do know that if I declare “enemy!” then it usually signals a bitter feud indeed such that I have learned to try and be friends with even the most obnoxious types. The pain of Chiron then is configured into those very close relationships but here, our problem is not that we feel a need to give ourselves up, as with Pisces, it is almost the opposite, we feel as if we are already meaningless within the relationship and now our challenge is to find a means of creating some awareness of our significance. As ever with Chiron, there is some measure of bad childhood programming involved and we may have subsumed the lesson of an overly selfish parent with Chiron in Aries here. Winston Churchill had this placement and his mother was a renowned socialite and was estimated to have slept with considerably more than 1000 men in her life: it is therefore easy to see how Churchill may have learned that the male counterpart in a close relationship might be essentially valueless, there is no indication that his own marriage was particularly difficult however, although Churchill was known to spend many of his nights alone in the grip of his ‘black dog’, a depression with which he struggled for all of his adult life.


sun conjunct chiron in composite

We can do nothing to change the fundamental patterns in the composite chart. Of course the same may be said of an individual chart. But we seem to have more room to affect the levels on which we express our natal patterns. This gives us the inner sense - valid or not - that we have the power to participate actively in, or even create, our own future. Maybe we do, at least in some areas of life. But a composite presents us with a different experience, if not a different reality at core. We can change how we react to the patterns in the composite, and we can make the effort to provide creative outlets for its energies. But even with the maximum cooperation with a partner, the patterns of a composite still feel "outside" our sphere of personal influence. A composite will not say, "This is a bad relationship - get out of it." But it may say, "This relationship has got an inherent restriction which neither person is going to be able to alter. If you want this relationship, accept this issue." If the composite chart has a Sun-Saturn square or a Sun-Chiron conjunction, it contains built-in limits, often of a very concrete kind. These limits may prove to be creative and positive for either or both individuals. But they feel as though they have been imposed on us. A Sun-Saturn square or a Sun-Chiron conjunction in the natal chart also contains built-in limits, but we experience them differently.

Let's take composite Sun-Chiron aspects. I have seen these many times when a relationship involves the unavoidable inclusion of limits from the past. The past may be an ex-partner who wants big maintenance payments, or it may be children from a former marriage. These situations can cause a lot of pain, especially where children are involved, because no matter how mature and conscious the two people are, there will be conflicts, divided loyalties, hurt feelings, and perhaps also financial restrictions. It is not a question of altering attitudes; a priori families, for any couple, are a built-in fact which will always impose limits. If a couple do not experience limits in such circumstances, then we probably won't see Sun-Chiron in the composite chart.

We know that Chiron is connected with experiences of wounding, particularly those which seem unfair and unmerited, and which are a product of the state of the collective at the time rather than some particular person's fault or act of malice. Sun-Chiron contacts in a composite suggest that the relationship itself carries an unhealable wound, usually from the past of both parties, or from the nature of the world in which the two people are living. At the same time, the relationship may provide deep healing for both people, or for others who come in contact with the couple, because the inherent limits invoke suffering and consequent understanding and compassion.

I have sometimes seen Sun-Chiron in a composite when two people want very badly to have children but are unable to do so. This is a wound which can make people think much more deeply about who they are and what purpose their lives serve, because they do not have the collectively sanctioned "purpose" of a family to give them a direction in life. Another example might be a partnership where there is a great age difference, and the younger partner must watch the other grow old and frail. No amount of love and commitment can turn the clock back. Or there might be a physical handicap in one partner which may be genuinely and deeply accepted, but which limits the mobility of both people. Yet another example might be a racially mixed marriage, or a homosexual relationship, both of which may provoke animosity among neighbours who are xenophobic or too rigid in their definitions of normality. Xenophobia and rigid opinions are characteristic of many, many people, and no amount of agonising or raging will alter this unfortunate flaw in human nature. Both people may be hurt through the relationship, not because it is "bad", but because there is something about the way the relationship "sits" in the collective which limits its possibilities.

I am not saying that it is a static picture. As far as healing is concerned, it depends on what you mean by the word. Chiron's wounds do not heal in the sense of going away. Something has been permanently twisted out of shape, even if the poison has been released and cleansed. One cannot regain innocence once it has been destroyed by the kind of wounding this planet reflects. But one's attitude toward the wound can change, and greater tolerance, compassion, and wisdom can result. That is a kind of healing; but it cannot undo the past. One cannot, for example, make one's children by a former partner vanish in a puff of smoke. One can try to numb the wound by cutting off from the children emotionally, and never seeing them again; and then there is another sort of wound that must be dealt with. Or one can work very hard to face all the emotional complications, and eventually establish rewarding relationships with everyone concerned. But there will always be compromise and sadness and a sense of loss. Such aspects in the composite chart do not mean that the effects of the difficulty remain static and unchanging. Both people may be deeply and permanently transformed. But the past cannot be remade.

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i heart uranus. it is true. while it may sound like i am getting a little fresh, well, that is uranus. it stirs things up and brings in fresh air, sometimes in the form of a typhoon, but that is life. you cannot control the universe.

so why am i hearting uranus out here in the public realm? well, for starters i am fairly certain i am experiencing a uranus transit and recent occurences in life have led me to look deeper into the universe. i was very surprised at how startlingly accurate a lot of the information i found was. the more i looked into my astrological make-up and that of those around me, the more surprised i was. i have a graduate degree in science, but also a spiritual side and a healthy belief that we are kidding ourselves if we think we understand everything in our universe at this point in time. i know to many people astrospeak sounds very odd and silly, but i liken these people to those who used to think the world was flat. they had it all figured out and couldn't entertain any notions that didn't neatly fit into their knowledge boxes... where are those people now? well, if they were not dead, they'd be stuck on their own little piece of terra firma. nobody ever gets anywhere living a life without questioning that very life. my genious little nephew said to his dad recently at dinner, "dad, did you ever think that what we are doing right now is a dream and our dreams are the real world?" hmmm... interesting. this little aquarius has an open mind doesn't he? yes, he is an aquarius, ruled by none other than uranus.

it is all about energy really. and you have to admit that there are a lot of energy forces happening around us everyday that we do not see. cellphones being an obvious example... wait, hold on a second, i think i need another beer if i am going to continue with this....okay, ready to continue my unscientific connections. so, when people say things like "the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.", aren't they referring to being able to feel the tension between people? alright, i definitely need to flesh out this argument a little more. basically, i don't know how astrology works, but i am going to say energy. i don't really need the scientific proof right now, although i find it very interesting to think about. what i need is to not kill anymore trees.

basically, i have tried to map out my psyche and my psyche in it's most recent relationship... and that person's psyche, or astrological chart. essentially, i have scraps of paper, a notebook and recently bought index cards strewn all across my home and am now looking to organize all of my thoughts and information in cyberspace. this universe and astrology and soul searching and soul mate encounters go way beyond, "what is your sign?" that is just the tip of the iceberg my friends. i have come to realize that people are so complex it is a wonder anyone stays together... but more on that later. anyway, i am sure i will write many things here that will sound nutty even to myself. but astrology has at least some kind of formula and angles and math to it that makes it feel like a tangible system. i am proceeding with the mantra, "keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out." in other words, balance what is possible with what is real... be a pragmatic dreamer if you will.

finally, i am assuming the blogosphere is so overwhelmed that nobody will make it here. this is really for me anyway, but if you took a wrong turn somewhere, feel free to comment...